God made each one of us to further His kingdom--to change the world for Him. No, we might not become the Noah of today, but we can certainly make a difference in a lot of people's lives. God has equipped each of us with tools we can use to impact others. Some of us are encouraging, some can make people laugh, some are good teachers, some can bless others through music, some can build things for others, still others can give financially. Some people are made to listen to others. Each talent is a gift from God, and it is to be used to change the lives of those around us.
Think about what would happen if every believer woke up in the morning and asked God, "What is one way I can serve You today?" and then went out and did it. Something as simple as putting a quarter in the parking meter of the person next to you or simply taking the time to listen to what someone has to say without adding your own commentary...even the smallest act can make someone's day just a little bit brighter. If you are alive today, God has a very specific purpose for you to fulfill! He's given you the tools you need...now go out and build that ark.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." ~1 Corinthians 6:12
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